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Awell Workflow

Awell Workflow

Enrich your care flows with powerful Awell actions.

title: Awell Workflow

description: Enrich your care flows with powerful Awell actions.

Awell API extension

Extension settings

You will need to provide the API URL and an API key.

Custom Actions

Start care flow

Starts a new care flow for the patient enrolled in your current care flow.

Passing baseline info: Please read the documentation on our developer hub to learn more about how to pass baseline info.

Example of how to configure a value for the baseline info action field:

    "data_point_definition_id": "age",
    "value": "29"
    "data_point_definition_id": "dob",
    "value": "1993-11-30"

Stop care flow

Stops the care flow the patient is currently enrolled in. A reason is why you are stopping the care flow is mandatory.

Update patient

Allows updating patient data for the patient currently enrolled in the care flow.

Is patient already enrolled in care flow

Checks whether the patient is already enrolled in a care flow definition. The care flow the patient is currently enrolled in does not count and is excluded from the results.

Action fields:

  • pathwayStatus: a comma-separated string of care flow statuses that will be used when looking for care flows the patient is already enrolled in. By default, we only look at active care flows. Options: "active", "completed", "missing_baseline_info", "starting", and "stopped".
  • careFlowDefinitionIds: a comma-separated string of care flow definition ids that will be used when looking for care flows the patient is already enrolled in. By default, we only search for care flows that match the current care flow definition id (i.e. is the patient already included in the current care flow?).

Data points:

  • result: a boolean indicating whether the patient is already enrolled in another care flow that matches your criteria (status & care flow definition id)
  • nbrOfResults: the number of care flows found for the patient that match the criteria.
  • careFlowIds: a comma-separated string of care flow ids that matched your search criteria. It will be empty when the result is false because then there are no other care flow ids that match your criteria.

Search patients by patient code

Note that this action is deprecated and we recommend using identifiers instead.

Search whether, apart from the patient currently enrolled in the care flow, another patient with the same patient_code already exists.

Data points:

  1. patientAlreadyExists: a boolean which will be true if minimum one patient with the patient code already exists.
  2. numberOfPatientsFound: the number of patients found with the same patient code.
  3. awellPatientIds: a comma-separated string of all Awell patient ids (except the current patient) that have the same patient code as the patient currently enrolled in the care flow. Will return an empty string when there are no other patients with the same patient code.

Get patient by identifier

This action lets you check if a patient with a specific identifier already exists in Awell. It's particularly useful when a patient's identity is initially anonymous during the start of the care flow, but later becomes identifiable through the identifiers collected during the care flow. This check ensures whether a patient with that identifier is already present or not.

Add identifier to patient

This action allows you to add a unique identifier to the current patient's profile. If the patient already has an identifier with the same system but a different value, this action will update the existing identifier with the new value provided.

First, it checks if this identifier (system and value) is already associated with another patient. If it's safe to proceed, it will add or update the identifier as needed. However, if another patient already has this identifier, the action will stop and notify you, preventing duplicates. To avoid conflicts, we recommend first running the "Get patient by identifier" action to check for any existing matches.

Get data point value

This action allows you to read the most recent data point value of a given data point definition id from a care flow different from the current one. The action returns multiple data points, each with a different value type. Pick the one you need from the returned data points based on the value type of the data point you want to read the value from.

Example: If the data point you want to read the value from is of type number, then you should use the valueNumber data point.


Webhooks in the Awell extension offer ways to trigger a care flow based on the end of another care flow, or from any event that happens in your system (via the pathwayStart webhook).

Custom Actions
Add identifier to patient
Get patient by identifier
Start care flow
Update patient
Stop care flow
Search patient by patient code (DEPRECATED, USE IDENTIFIERS)
Is patient already enrolled in care flow
Update Baseline Datapoints
Start Hosted Pages Session
Start Care flow and session
Get data point value

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