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Shelly (Beta)

Shelly (Beta)

Library of AI-powered actions

title: Shelly

description: Library of AI-powered actions


Shelly is a library of AI-powered actions for enhancing workflow automation and data processing. It leverages advanced language models and specialized APIs to provide intelligent automation capabilities.


Categorize Message

Uses AI to classify messages into predefined categories.

  • Analyzes message content using LLM
  • Matches against provided categories
  • Provides explanation for the categorization


  • Supports custom category lists
  • Handles multiple languages
  • Returns "None" if no category matches
  • Includes detailed explanation of the classification

Generate Message

Creates personalized messages using AI.

  • Takes communication objective and context
  • Generates appropriate message content
  • Formats according to stakeholder needs


  • Customizable tone and style
  • Multi-language support
  • Personalization based on recipient data
  • Context-aware message generation

Medication From Image

Extracts structured medication information from images.

  • Processes uploaded medication images
  • Uses specialized API for text extraction
  • Returns structured medication data


  • Extracts medication names, dosages, and instructions
  • Supports various image formats
  • Returns both structured data and text summary
  • Includes error handling for unclear images

Review Medication Extraction

Allows stakeholders to review and validate extracted medication information.

  • Displays extracted medication data
  • Provides interface for validation
  • Captures reviewer feedback


  • Side-by-side image and data comparison
  • Validation workflow
  • Support for corrections and annotations

Summarize Care Flow

Provides an AI-generated summary of the entire care flow progress.

  • Collects all relevant care flow data
  • Analyzes activities and outcomes
  • Generates a comprehensive summary


  • Customizable for different stakeholders (e.g., clinicians, patients)
  • Optional focus areas through additional instructions
  • Includes relevant context and disclaimers

Summarize Form

Uses AI to generate concise summaries of form responses.

  • Retrieves the latest form data from the current step
  • Processes form responses with an LLM
  • Generates a structured summary in the specified format


  • Supports bullet-point or paragraph format
  • Customizable language selection
  • Optional additional instructions for focused summaries
  • Includes context-aware disclaimers

Summarize Forms in Step

Similar to summarizeForm but processes all forms within a step.


  • Combines data from multiple forms
  • Maintains context between form responses
  • Same formatting options as single form summaries

Summarize Track Outcome

Generates comprehensive summaries of track activities and outcomes.

  • Analyzes track data and activities
  • Identifies key outcomes and decisions
  • Creates structured summary


  • Customizable focus areas
  • Support for specific outcome analysis
  • Flexible formatting options
  • Context-aware summaries
Custom Actions
Categorize Message
Generate Message
Extract medication from image
Review medication extraction
Summarize Care Flow
Summarize Form
Summarize Forms in Step
Summarize Track Outcome

Other extensions