Awell Health Developer Hub
Dev Hub

When designing a care flow, specific tracks can be set to be manually added to a care flow during Orchestration on as as-needed basis. These tracks can be activated at any time via an API call using the AddAdHocTrack mutation. That said, you might want to retrieve these tracks to answer questions like:

  • Which ad hoc tracks are available to activate for this specific patient care flow?
  • Which ad hoc tracks are available to activate for published versions of this care flow?

We provide a couple of queries to get the data you need related to ad hoc tracks. Feel free to select the one that works best for your use case.



Get published ad hoc track details by patient care flow (pathway) id, useful for identifying which ad hocs tracks you can start for a specific patient care flow. The pathway_id is the id of the patient care flow (pathway) that you want to add the ad hoc track to.



Get published ad hoc track details by release id, useful for identifying which ad hocs tracks you can start for a published version of a care flow. Each published version of a care flow (pathway) definition has a unique release_id, which can be found in any query that returns a patient care flow, its activities, or any of the care flow definition's published components (forms, messaegs, etc.).



The response object shape is the same for both queries.