Awell Health Developer Hub
Dev Hub

This query allows us to fetch the form details for all form defintions in a published care flow/pathway. Want to learn more about how to display the form in your UI and conditionally show/hide the correct questions based on the response? Click here!

All forms vs. forms that will be completed

Please note that this query returns all forms in a published care flow or pathway but that this doesn't necessarily mean that all these forms will be completed as that is dependent on the logic built into the care flow.

See the example below:

  • There are 3 forms: Form A, B, and C.
  • However, Form B is only activated when the subject is a male and Form C when the subject is a female
  • The query will return all published forms in the care flow or pathway so Form A, B, and C but depending on the workflow some forms might never be completed.
Get forms query

Depending on the care flow, some forms might never be completed.


Form and question metadata is returned in all form queries as a JSON string rather than a JSON object. This is because the metadata is defined in Studio as a JSON string and we want to avoid any potential parsing errors. You can parse the metadata string into a JSON object in your application (for example, using JSON.parse in JavaScript/TypeScript, json.loads in Python or json_decode in PHP or Ruby).





The release_id is optional. If not specified, we return the forms for the latest published version of the care flow or pathway.