Awell Health Developer Hub
Dev Hub




Required parameters

There are no required parameters for this query. However, you should provide pagination and sorting parameters. See Pagination and Sorting below.


The filter is optional: if you don't provide one, an unfiltered list of patients will be returned.


All in filters accept a list of values and result in an is any of search criteria. The eq filter accepts a single string and results in is exact match search criteria. The contains filter accepts a single string and returns any results that partially match (case-insensitively) a set of fields. For this query, the fields searched against are name, patient_code and email. name is a user's full name, if you wish to partial match on first or last name, then use the search filter rather than the name contains or equals filters.

When specifying multiple filters, the resulting criteria is the conjuction of all filters.


Pagination and sorting

Pagination and sorting are required for this query. If no pagination values are supplied, the API will return only the first 10 patients, or 10 patients from the specified offset. There is also an upper limit of 100 records per query. Please be aware that setting count greater than 100 will successfully execute but return only 100 records.

Default sorting is based on the last_name field, sorted ascending. Only top-level patient profile fields can be used for sorting (e.g. birth_date, sex, patient_code). Sorting by nested fields (e.g. is not supported.


How to use