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When using Awell Care to operate your care flows, you want to make it a breeze for your care team to create patients in Awell. The Patient Demographic Query (PDQ) integration allows your care team to retrieve patient demographic data from your system right within Awell.


The integration is based on the IHE ITI PDQm Profile although the full specification has not been implemented yet (see below).

Patient Demographics Consumer (Awell) Patient Demographics Supplier Patient Demographics Query [ITI-78] Query Response


There are two actors in this integration:

  1. Patient Demographics Consumer (hereinafter referred to as "Awell") queries the patient based on available demographics (search parameters) and gets the complete set of patient demographics in return (if there are any).
  2. Patient Demographics Supplier returns the complete set of available patient demographics based on the provided set of search parameters. The Patient Demographics Supplier can either be a system you own but in some integrations this can also be Awell's Mirth server. In the latter case, Awell's Mirth server acts as a proxy to an information system on your end.

Supplier as a proxy

The Patient Demographics Supplier may act as a proxy to an existing information system. This way, the Patient Demographics Consumer can choose a technology stack and a query/response profile that best fits.

At Awell, we use MirthConnect as an integration engine that can connect Awell to any other health information system. This allows us to exchange clinical and administrative data in a format of your choice (HL7, FHIR, XML, JSON...).

Proxy (eg: Awell Mirth) Patient Demographics Consumer (Awell) Patient Demographics Supplier Patient Demographics Consumer Patient Demographics Supplier Patient Demographics Query [ITI-78] Internal processing Patient Demographics Query in profile of choice Response in profile of choice Internal processing Query Response

Trigger event

This integration is triggered when a member of your care team presses the "Import patient" button in Awell Care when creating a patient in Awell. Instead of filling out patient demograhpics like name, email address and date of birth manually, a user can import patient demograhpics based on an identifier they entered according to the code system and code configured in the integration settings.


A request will be made by Awell to solicit information about patients whose demographics data match data provided in the query parameters on the request message. The request can be made either using a GET or a POST request. Which HTTP verb or method that will be used is defined in the integration settings in the Awell app.

Search parameters

The request represents a parameterized search from Awell to the Patient Demographics Supplier. We currently only support searching on the identifier parameter. The coding system and code that will be used for the search is configured in the integrations settings in the Awell app.






Social Beneficiary Identifier

  • Code system:
  • Code: SB

In Belgium the Social Beneficiary Identifier is also known as the INSZ number (Identificatienummer voor de Sociale Zekerheid in Dutch, or Numéro d'identification de sécurité sociale in French). It is also referred to as the "rijksregisternummer". It is a unique identifier assigned to every citizen and resident in Belgium.

Visit number

  • Code system:
  • Code: VN

Medical record number

  • Code system:
  • Code: MR


When the request is received by the Patient Demographics Supplier, it processes the request and returns a response in the form of demographics information for the matching patient(s). The request can yield 0, 1, or N matching patient records, therefore we expect that the response is an array of patient records. Additionally, the response format needs to be JSON ('Content-Type': 'application/json').


We currently expect the response format and the patient record to be in a format defined by Awell. Please reach out to us if you'd like to return a native FHIR response instead.

Patient record

Each patient record can have the following fields (all optional):


A value that can uniquely identify the patient in your system. It can be the identifier used for the search.

first_namestringFirst name of the patient
last_namestringLast name of the patient
birth_datestringBirth date as a ISO8601 string
emailstringThe email address of the patient
phonestringLandline number of the patient as an E.164 string
mobile_phonestringMobile number of the patient as an E.164 string

National registry number of the patient (social security number in Belgium)

sexnumber0 (not known) | 1 (male) | 2 (female)
address.streetstringStreet address of the patient
address.citystringCity where the patient lives
address.zipstringZIP code of the patient
address.statestringState where the patient lives
address.countrystringCountry wher the patient lives

HTTP status codes

200 OK

The request succeeded. This is applicable in the following cases:

  • The Patient Demographics Supplier finds at least one patient record matching the criteria sent as HTTP search parameters.
  • The Patient Demographics Supplier fails to find in its information source, any patient record matching the criteria sent as HTTP search parameters. In this case, the Patient Demographics Supplier populates the total with a value of 0 indicating no results were found. No entry attributes are provided in the result.


Used when the request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.


The server failed to fulfil an apparently valid request.

Set up

The PDQ integration can be enabled and configured in the Awell app. Click here to learn more about setting up the integration in Awell.

Expected actions

Awell processes the response and will show feedback to the user in Awell Care:

  • When the request was not successful (4XX - 5XX): a message will be shown to the user that the request failed and they can view the request details.
  • When the request yields no results: a message will be shown to the user that no patient record matching the search criteria was found.
  • When the request yields 1 result: the create patient form will be pre-populated with the retrieved patient data and the user can review and edit the information before creating the patient.
  • When the request yields more than 1 matching result: the user can inspect the data of every patient record and decide which record to use before creating the patient.